Amazon seller central introduced all the sellers on its platform with a very innovative and useful tool called “Manage Your Customer Engagement Tool,” which means that sellers are now able to manage their Amazon customer engagement with their target audience. And at the same time, it will allow brands to plan their strategies and execute them more efficiently.

By allowing sellers to launch email marketing campaigns for customer engagement, this new tool is a great way to increase the visibility of new products as well as build loyal relationships with Amazon shoppers.

Here in this blog post, we will try to take a closer look at how marketers are going to use this tool to strengthen their relationships with consumers in 2022.

What Is The “Manage Your Customer Engagement” Tool?

MYCE (Manage Your Customer Engagement Tool) is a free tool that empowers companies to set up email marketing campaigns for their customers on this platform. It was created to increase customer engagement, retention, and loyalty and is a great way to launch and expose new products to a receptive audience.

 Sellers Become Capable Through Manage Your Customer Engagement Tool

  • They can directly market to their customers on the platform.
  • It will help them build long-term relationships with the users.
  • Increased visibility will be provided to their new product listings.

Who Is Eligible To Use This Tool?

To become eligible for this feature, you must be:

  • Enrolled with Brand Registry
  • If you have an active Amazon Store
  • A significant number of customers on your Amazon Store

However, we must note that even if you meet all the above criteria, you may still need to struggle a bit as it is very hard to crack the deep working of this tool on your own. Still, if you are going to get it with firm goals, then you will surely find the best ways to overcome any obstacle.

How It Actually Works?

The process of setting up a campaign for Amazon customer engagement is very simple. Brands in the beta program simply enroll the ASINs they want to target, choose a campaign start and end date, and send an email alert to their followers. You will be provided with an open rate for each campaign and total access to the data on amazon seller central.

To set up an effective email campaign, sellers must keep in mind:

  • A high-resolution brand logo 
  • The new product they wish to promote 
  • A delivery window 

In addition to the above, emails currently offer no customization options. Once a campaign is created on Amazon seller central engagement, Amazon reviews it for approval. Amazon usually takes up to 72 hours to note an approval, so make sure you schedule your email for several days in advance. Once approved, emails to followers will be sent through Amazon Messaging during a 5-day delivery window.

How To Set Up An Email Campaign?

Once you have a store page on Amazon seller central, create a post that contains quality content to increase your followers.

(The store is a free self-service product that allows brand owners to design and create multi-page stores to showcase their brand, products, and value proposition on Amazon.)

You can learn more about how Amazon seller central provides powerful creative features to improve your Amazon customer engagement below.

4 Easy Steps To Set Up An Email Campaign By Using The Amazon Seller Central Engagement Tool

Step 1 – Upload Your Brand Logo

The logo should be in a horizontal layout and can have a black or white background or a transparent background.

Step 2 – Add a Product

Add a recently launched product (must have been made available for purchase for the first time on Amazon within the last six months).

Step 3 – Select A Supporting Image

Select or upload a lifestyle image or image explaining the benefits of the product. Image must comply with Amazon’s product image requirements.

Step 4 – Schedule your campaign

Select the time frame you want to send your campaign. It will be for a period of five days from Monday to Friday. Your email campaign is now ready to be sent, and surely the above-listed steps will increase amazon customer engagement.

How To Know If (Or When) Your Campaign Has Been Approved?

According to Amazon seller central, campaigns are reviewed by their moderation team, which will determine whether your content meets our needs. It takes at least 72 hours for your image assets to be reviewed.

Let’s Sum Up

After you have set up your campaign, make sure you plan to allow enough time for review as it increases amazon customer engagement. If your campaign is disapproved, its status will change to not approved, and you will need to create a new campaign that meets our content requirements.