With Amazon dominating the online market with more than forty percent of the total online sales, there are numerous Amazon Consultancy that have come up in the market over the past few years. Though all of them offer to help you with your Amazon Marketplace account or provide you amazon seller account management services, only some of them have an actual business plan and are worth your investment. The rest lack the amazon best consultants that will just keep you hanging.

Therefore it’s best to invest in one of the top consultancies to ensure that it will help you earn profits. But the question is, how to do that?

Here is how! While selecting an Amazon consultancy, make sure it has the following:

  • A clear understanding of the selling platforms

Amazon has multiple selling platforms for sellers, such as Vendor Central, Seller Central, and Hybrid Model. Without a clear understanding of these selling platforms, it’s not possible for your Amazon Consultant and Amazon Virtual Assistant to advise which platform will be the best suited for you. So before selecting an amazon consultancy, make sure they understand the Amazon selling platforms well and their algorithms.

  • Top-notch customer service and a positive track record

Sometimes it so happens that the client calls are ignored by the consultancies and their agents. Therefore you need to make sure your Amazon consultancy has a customer service that not only responds to your calls and emails timely but also clears all your doubts with informative and creative solutions.

To be surer about a consultancy, you should check their track record and ask them to showcase their Amazon-related case studies. How long they have been in this field and how many clients they have managed to satisfy. You can easily figure these out from their reviews on Google Listings and Facebook Page. Proceed only when they have a positive track record.

  • Knowledge of Amazon SEO, FBM, and FBA

Amazon SEO is more than just keywords. It plays an important role in your product rankings. And a good ranking is what ensures your product listings show up among the top search results on Amazon. Hence it is very important for your Amazon Consultancy to have a team of Amazon SEO Experts that know about Amazon SEO & Algorithms and how they can influence your rankings.

But business is much more than just rankings, right? It also involves packing, shipping the products ordered or FBA,  Only an experienced and best amazon spn can provide you with the perfect solutions to all this and find you the most efficient way of shipping.

  • The ability to develop compelling product listings and win you the Amazon buy box

Writing a product listing is something anyone can do, but delivering it properly is not. Amazon has certain guidelines for writing product listings, which are often missed by the writers. To develop a proper product listing, you need an experienced Amazon Listing expert that will provide you with the best amazon listing optimization service that will maintain the Amazon guidelines and be compelling at the same time.

The Buy Box is where Amazon highlights the highest-performing sellers. Winning the Buy Box will give you an advantage in the competition as well as result in an increase in your sales. And only well-experienced and best Amazon consultants can provide you with a strategy to be a better seller and thus win the Amazon Buy Box.

  • The ability to establish and manage the Amazon advertising for you

Unlike traditional advertising, Amazon comes with an advising platform that is strong yet blends in with the organic search results very easily. If you want to find the advertising option that will best suit your business, you need an experienced consultant who can explain to you the different advertising options available. Hence you need to ensure that the consultancy you select can establish and manage the Amazon advertising for you.

If an Amazon consultancy checks out all the above, it is surely a top one that will help you to earn profits. And, as certified Amazon SPN, Services4Amazon will suggest you check their previous clients’ case studies that will help you to better understand Amazon Consultancy.

If you’re looking for Certified & Satisfied Amazon Solutions then connect us at info@services4amazon.com or Visit www.services4amazon.com. We are also offering Free Amazon Consulting Solutions to all businesses to grow their Amazon Sales. Simply contact us!