Are you experiencing problems delivering your inventory to the appropriate location at the appropriate time, in the appropriate quantity, and in the proper quality? It’s not just you.

I can legitimately tell that as a seasoned Amazon seller, it’s difficult to manage and monitor a product that travels through a protracted supply chain procedure before it reaches its intended location.

Your Chinese supplier will one day hold your inventory. It then travels to freight forwarders in the Shanghai port the following week, US customs officials, and so on, before arriving at your target warehouse. You are working on expanding your Amazon business in the background at home, so you don’t have all day to manage your inventory. we as Amazon Marketing consultants depicts all key points regard to it.


What Is A Tracker For Amazon Inventory?


You may track and monitor inventory using an Amazon inventory tracker as part of your supply chain management system. It offers precise inventory checks, data on the precise location of your goods, In Production orders that are now being worked on with each supplier or manufacturer, inventory levels within each third-party warehouse, and most recently, Amazon’s inventory levels.

Consider that you operate a women’s swimwear store. Make sure you have enough stock at FBA to meet the anticipated increase in demand as summer approaches. Using the SoStocked Amazon inventory management tool, you might monitor your stock levels and find that popular items like bikinis, monokinis, and wetsuits have lower stock levels. A Perfect Amazon Consulting services helps you guide properly

11 Techniques For Using Amazon Inventory Trackers To Boost Inventory Control

  • Makes A Product More Visible

Due to ineffective inventory management procedures, such as erroneous inventory data and communication breakdowns somewhere along the logistics chain, 43% of small retail enterprises struggle with inadequate product visibility. In either case, the impacted companies have to cope with inaccurate production schedules, incorrect order quantities, and delayed shipping and frequently have trouble keeping track of their goods as it enters and exits the facility. Whatever the cause, these companies are placing themselves in a position where they might not know when to place a new order or transfer an existing one until it is too late. This frequently results in stockouts or the requirement for pricey fast shipments.


  • Identify Whether Inventory Is Being Delivered By Ground, Air, Or Sea

The information from prior purchases can also be used to improve your shipping choices in the future. You can find opportunities to move the lead times for subsequent orders so that they more closely reflect what will actually occur in the real world by adjusting the lead times in each buy order to reflect the reality of what happened with your shipments. For instance, it could cost your company a lot of money if the freight forwarder repeatedly misses deadlines, causing stockouts on your end. Knowing that this will probably happen again, you have two options: either change your lead times so that you may place another order with adequate time to allow for delays, or you can prefer to look for a more dependable international shipping firm according to Amazon Experts

  • Monitors The Number Of Successfully Delivered Products

It’s possible for certain items to go missing or be stolen during the handling and shipping procedure. Additionally, as you are aware, missing units are bad for business. You run the danger of running out of stock, which lowers your profits, and you’ll probably have to pay more for air shipment to get the extra stock in time for Prime Day or other special occasions.

  • Simplifies The Way You Handle Inventory

If your tool enables it, you should also establish minimum and maximum stock levels for each ASIN per marketplace. Then you may simply place and send new purchase orders after viewing the list of products that are approaching that level. Fewer spreadsheets to manage due to streamlined processes. Everyone is aware that manually entering data into spreadsheets, maintaining that data, and managing many spreadsheets can be time-consuming and error-prone, particularly if you manage a number of SKUs.

  • Keeps You Under Your Amazon Restocking Restrictions

If you’ve been living under a rock, you may not be aware that Amazon recently replaced quantity constraints at the ASIN level with storage-type limits. Restock limitations are therefore determined by the type of storage, and you may check them by visiting Seller Central’s Inventory Performance Dashboard and selecting the Restock Limits option. To examine your overall Storage Volume by Storage Type, click the Storage Volume tab.


  • Prevents Stockouts And Lowers The Risk Of Stock Running Out

Maintaining an erroneous inventory report may lead to stockouts, lost sales, and even pricey air shipments, as I’ve previously highlighted. In order to determine when and what to repurchase, it is not wise to rely solely on antiquated inventory management techniques like warehouse inventory counts and recall of numbers.


For your retail firm, tracking your purchase orders using an Amazon inventory tracker will have a number of advantages. It makes your procedures more efficient, improves the visibility of your products, aids in controlling inventory levels, and saves you both time and money. If you have query Services For Amazon always ready to help you out in order to make your amazon seller journey more smoother. As amazon consulting services provider we have abundance experience to guide you properly. Our Amazon Vendor Central consultants work according to Amazon Polices